
i admit it, i am overwhelmed.  by so many things.  (definition of overwhelmed right?) i feel torn in 400 different ways and see no end of this tunnel.  i am thankful for people and things (hot tea and ikea cookies) that keep me going.  tell me it will be ok, allow me to be scattered, allow me to complain, and love me despite my grouchy bleak outlook now.  i am thankful for all of the good people and things that i have in my life and so much more.  i have been blessed in so many ways.  i am thankful for my friend who listens to me in the mornings complain about this or that.  i am thankful for my 'work' friend, who is so much more and who just 'gets it'.   i am thankful for my hubby, who always asks if he can get me anything.  i am thankful for my babies, because they love me no matter what.  i know this funk will pass, i have faith that God loves me and that has a plan.  sometimes it is just frustrating 'trying to figure it out'.  i need to stop that, trust that things will be taken care of and relax.  for if not, i am sure to explode.  but the first step is to admit the problem, so there.  i am overwhelmed.  i must also admit, while i am at it, that i am a control freak.  i must realize that i can not do it all, i do not have to and that sometimes i need a 'sick' day.  possibly a snow day come thursday.
any thoughts, ideas, prayers or cookies are welcome.


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