A table and a desk...

Since my girls are getting bigger (way too fast), their rooms have been getting bigger too!

Sarah recently moved into her big girl bed and got new furniture for her bigger clothes and a new bookshelf for her ever growing collection.  What she needed was a bedside table and let me tell you, they are expensive!  I could not believe it!  Now I not normally a dumpster diver although I have been know to do it occasionally....I found Sarah a table during last Fall's trash clean up day on our neighborhood.  It was just sitting there calling my name, now it was not pretty but it had potential.  It was yucky brown, very wobbly and had gold thingies on the feet...blah!  Well this past week I finally got around to sanding it and painting it.  Jake fixed the wobble and removed the blingy feet.  I think it looks great.  Sarah wanted it pink so pink it is!  She is very excited too cause it can hold her juice and her books (just like Ansley's)!
Unfortunately this is the only before picture that I have (due to an unfortunate hard drive accident) but this is Jake removing this weird lazy Susan thing that it had going on.  Now it is very stable.

This is the tiny table (along with Ansley's desk) after being primed.

And the finished project.  She wanted it pink and as you can tell from this tiny snapshot...she loves pink!
Ansley is moving on up to fourth grade this year (uuuggghhh, how did this happen) and there looks to be some pretty serious studying about to start happening...so she needed a place/desk for that!  I have been looking and looking but again anything that was sturdy, small and adorable for her room cost an arm and a leg!  Well thanks to Poppy and Uncle Rusty who had a desk that they gave her and a can of paint she now has an awesome place to sit and learn and become the super-genius that she is deep down :).  When we got the desk it was in great condition just not 'girly pretty'.  So I sanded it down, Jake primed it and I painted with an aqua color that matches her room.  Jake took the chair apart and recovered the sitting part with an awesome print that Ansley picked out herself and I have to say it matches awesome.
Really great shape...just not really pretty.

All primed up!

First Coat of paint

We (mostly Jake and a little me) took the chair apart and recovered the seat and back cushion.  Ansley picked out this awesome fabric that matched her room very nicely!

A pencil case to match

All ready for some super learning to take place! I love it!


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