Christmas with the best friends...

We always get together with our friends the Turner's for Christmas!  This year it also included the SEC Championship game....and for those of you who know how that turned out that piece did not turn out very well but I digress....the rest of the evening was wonderful.  I love spending time with our friends and wish that we could find more time to do it more often!!  I find it hard to believe how BIG all five kids are!  It is amazing to think that Ansley was born 9 and a half years ago and followed by Connor....where in the world has the time gone?  Enjoy these pics from our wonderful Christmas party!  Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

And one last picture of my beautiful ham that I just had to share....


  1. Those are the BEST times!!! I'm so thankful that we have you guys in our lives. Life just wouldn't be the same without friends that feel like family. We love you guys!

    1. And we love ya'll too!! We are all blessed to have each other!

  2. Oh this is so sweet! So glad you all are still close friends! Lisa didn't have a sister and I know she feels like you are one! Love u Bennie


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