sayonara 2012...
Oh what a year!
2012 was an exciting and crazy year! {Aren't they all?}
Here is a little review of our year...back in early August my hard-drive died and I lost the last two years worth of pictures so there will be huge gaps in picture fun (January thru July) but I have had several people try to recover them and I have one more trying to get back all of our memories! I appreciate everyone that had tried to help me out {and a huge BOO to Best Buy for trying to charge me a TON of money)!
So first and foremost in 2012 I need a new way to save photographs! I need to do this asap!
Many of you know that I participated in TWO photography challenges faithfully throughout the year. I must say that I am proud of myself for completing them. I did miss a couple of weeks but I did catch up and am very happy to say that I took 52 themed photos for My Four Hens Photography {and even was featured a couple of times on the blog}. You can check them out here. I also participated in the 'Let's Do 52' for Paint the Moon Photography, you can check those out here. I learned a lot this year about photography and really want to learn more this year! I am going to do the 52 projects again for sure! I also want to try to do a lifestyle project this year....take at least one photo daily of my family. It may be a lot to tackle but I am going to try. Here are a few of my favs, hope that you enjoy!
And starting in August...unless I can find some pictures that I have saved somewhere.... (tear, tear)
Of course, it was the beginning of school (Fourth grade and Kindergarten!!!) and we went to the Braves game...on Star Wars night!
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