Reflecting on Dry January: The Surprising Benefits and a New Challenge

Hey friends!

As January comes to a close, I wanted to reflect on something I decided to challenge myself with this month: Dry January. For those who aren’t familiar, it’s the practice of going alcohol-free for the entire month. Honestly, I didn’t know what to expect, but the results have been pretty incredible—and not just for my body, but for my overall well-being.

First off, the headaches that used to be a regular part of my routine? Gone. It’s amazing how much clearer my head feels without that constant dull throb in the background. Plus, I’ve been sleeping SO much better. I used to wake up feeling groggy, but now I feel more rested and ready to take on the day.

The energy boost has also been noticeable. Now, I do think part of that energy is thanks to a new commitment to the gym (and those endorphins are no joke!). But I’d be lying if I said Dry January didn’t play a role. I feel lighter, more focused, and generally healthier, and I hope to keep the momentum going beyond this month.

But that’s not all! To challenge myself, I also decided to take on a "dry Amazon" month. That’s right—no Amazon purchases in January. It wasn’t as hard as I thought it would be, but it definitely made me more mindful about what I truly need and whether it’s worth a click. I’ve saved some money and avoided those impulse buys we all know too well.

That said, I’ve got a little twist in this journey—I’ve become an Amazon affiliate! I’m really excited about this new venture. I’ll share my favorite products and update you on what I love, all while keeping things as honest and real as possible. I hope it goes well, and I’m thrilled to see where it takes me!

As always, I’ll keep you updated on everything, from my fitness journey to the products I can't get enough of. If you’re considering taking on any challenges like Dry January (or even Dry Amazon!), I say go for it. The benefits might surprise you.  Have you done something 2025 that you've enjoyed or surprised you?  I'd love to hear about it!

Field of flower stems

Take Care,


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