more randomness...

lots and lots going on....
bad news first, our kitty cat, Socks, passed away this past Sunday.  while it was very sad, he lived a looong life, by all we can tell he was at least 19.  that is an old cat!  he will be missed.
ansley kate had to get sealants put on her 6 year molars, they said that the grooves were way deep and this will help her prevent cavities in the future and that is good.  she was an awesome patient, although today she said that her jaw is sore.
the kitchen is coming along slowly but surely.  it looks amazing, i am fortunate to have a husband that is so crafty.  i will post some pictures soon, start to finish.  we are still trying to pick out a paint color and sometimes that can take forever!
sarah has become addicted to superfroggy and now jake has found a new game, superbunny.  i tell you my 3 year old is much more in tune with electronics than i am.  amazing!
work is what it is for me, but now we are waiting to see what will be happening with jake.  there is a 6.5 million dollar deficit in the fire department and they are trying to come up with ways to fix that, none of the ideas bode so well for the employees.  however, i really hope that what they come up with is in their best interest.
well all for now but more to come later, including pictures....MUST get my camera back out!


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