Random things that have been accidentally left out of our blogs because time passes so quickly!
Sunday January 23, 2011
I asked Sarah to get dressed today, I did not expect much. She came down in pink pants, a flowered shirt and pink socks. Plus, it all matched! I could not believe that she did that! Today was the first time that she fully picked out and dressed herself! AWESOME!
January 24, 2011
Ansley Kate lost her 4th tooth today!
January 28, 2011
Ansley Kate lost her 5th tooth today!
Somewhere in here we registered Sarah for Pre-K. How did it get time to do that? Made me pretty teary! I am sure she will be amazing at school!
February 10, 2011
Sarah's second trip to the dentist. She acted like an old pro! So proud of her!
Somewhere in here Ansley reached Gold level reading at school. She also has 3 puzzle pieces. I am so glad that she loves to read!
February 26, 2011
Ansley lost her 6th tooth! Yep, she's pretty toothless.
February 27, 2011
My Mother-in-laws birthday party...lots of fun at Dave and Busters!
February 23, 2011
Ansley's last violin lesson...at least for now. Just don't think she was totally into it yet. :( (I think that she will pick it back up, but for now practice with BatBat will do.)
March1, 2011
Brand new Ikea kitchen delivered in 121 boxes....can't wait to see the results. While cleaning all my pictures off the fridge there were so many of all my sweet friends and my babies under the newer photos. That was a hard task to tackle. Jake has them together and the old cabinets removed...now for the wallpaper removal and install!
March 3, 2011
Ansley's teacher conference...just confirms my child is a genius. :)
I asked Sarah to get dressed today, I did not expect much. She came down in pink pants, a flowered shirt and pink socks. Plus, it all matched! I could not believe that she did that! Today was the first time that she fully picked out and dressed herself! AWESOME!
January 24, 2011
Ansley Kate lost her 4th tooth today!
January 28, 2011
Ansley Kate lost her 5th tooth today!
Somewhere in here we registered Sarah for Pre-K. How did it get time to do that? Made me pretty teary! I am sure she will be amazing at school!
February 10, 2011
Sarah's second trip to the dentist. She acted like an old pro! So proud of her!
Somewhere in here Ansley reached Gold level reading at school. She also has 3 puzzle pieces. I am so glad that she loves to read!
February 26, 2011
Ansley lost her 6th tooth! Yep, she's pretty toothless.
February 27, 2011
My Mother-in-laws birthday party...lots of fun at Dave and Busters!
February 23, 2011
Ansley's last violin lesson...at least for now. Just don't think she was totally into it yet. :( (I think that she will pick it back up, but for now practice with BatBat will do.)
March1, 2011
Brand new Ikea kitchen delivered in 121 boxes....can't wait to see the results. While cleaning all my pictures off the fridge there were so many of all my sweet friends and my babies under the newer photos. That was a hard task to tackle. Jake has them together and the old cabinets removed...now for the wallpaper removal and install!
March 3, 2011
Ansley's teacher conference...just confirms my child is a genius. :)
And the bestest news for last, I am going to be an aunt finally! Gil and Rachel are having a baby! Woo Hoo! Can NOT wait to meet and hold baby niece/nephew...notice niece first, I am partial to girls. :)
Sure I left out something......
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